Frequently Asked Questions

What is the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)?

The National Disability Insurance Scheme, or NDIS for short, is a scheme implemented by the Australian Government with the goal of empowering people with disability to work towards and achieve their goals, identify the supports needed for people with disability to meet their goals, and where they can get these supports.

What can people access through the NDIS?

The NDIS will provide funding for ‘reasonable and necessary’ support, services and equipment to assist a person to achieve their goals.

What is a ‘reasonable and necessary’ support?

To be ‘reasonable and necessary’, supports must:

  • Be identified in your NDIS plan as helping you to achieve your goals
  • Be related to your disability
  • Represent value for money
  • Help you take part in the community or to find paid work or volunteering opportunities
  • Take into account informal family, carer and community support that is available to you
What doesn’t the NDIS fund?

Supports and expenses not related to your disability, or everyday living expenses, cannot be paid for using NDIS funding. NDIS funding also does not replace funding that is more appropriate from other sources, such as health, transport or education.

What happens if I am over the age of 65?

People over 65 years of age currently accessing the NDIS will continue to receive support, unless they choose to move across to aged care or other services.

People who acquire a disability after the age of 65 are not eligible for the NDIS, they will be supported by aged or health care services, consistent with current arrangements by the Government.

How can Connect Support Group support me under the NDIS?

We can support you at every stage of your NDIS journey, whether you are just starting out, preparing for a plan review meeting, or implementing your NDIS plan and want to get the most out of it. We specialize in the disability sector and know the NDIS very well, we have been supporting participants from its beginning.

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