NDIS Plan Management

NDIS Plan Management is one of the options you have for managing the funding in your NDIS plan. Using a Plan Manager gives you choice and control over how you use your NDIS budget, but with the support of a professional behind you to manage your funding and bills that need to be paid.

As your Plan Manager

We remove the administrative burden from you of paying your service providers and dealing with all that paperwork, while keeping you aware and always informed of the funding in your NDIS plan. You still have complete control of your NDIS funding, while also giving you more time to live the life you want to live!

Our team is highly proficient in receiving

Processing and paying your service providers in a timely manner, ensuring that there is no disruption to the supports you are receiving. We can work directly with your service providers to quickly resolve any issues that may arise with the payments process. We will help you increase your financial and plan management skills, increase your choice of providers, make sure you are getting the most of your NDIS funding and produce reports that give you greater oversight of your NDIS funding and budget.

Not all Plan Managers are the same, what is different about us?

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is NDIS Plan Management? What does a Plan Manager do?

Plan Management is one of the ways that your NDIS funds are managed. It is basically a financial intermediary that manages and handle all payments for services that the participant receives. This removes the administrative burden from the participant or their support network. With this arrangement, generally once the participant receives a service from a service provider, the service provider will send an invoice or bill to the Plan Manager for the service they just delivered. The Plan Manager, using their access to the participant’s NDIS funding, will claim the relevant funds from the NDIS Portal and pay the service provider accordingly. A Plan Manager will also send monthly statements to the participant which contains a summary of expenditure and a breakdown of budget totals remaining.

Why would a participant want to use a Plan Manager?

There are distinct advantages with engaging with a Plan Manager:

  • You don’t have to use the NDIS Portal, which can be complicated and takes some time to become familiar with.
  • You have the choice, control and flexibility without the administrative burden of handling the payments themselves.
  • You have a professional behind you that you can ask questions of and that can guide you through your journey.
If I change Plan Manager, who is responsible for paying my ‘old’ invoices?

The new Plan Manager becomes responsible for the ongoing management of your plan, including any payments for services that occurred during the current NDIS plan.

Should my Plan Manager claim all funds at the start of my NDIS plan?

No, a Plan Manager can only submit claims for supports and services after they have been provided. Services generally cannot be prepaid, unless it is a special circumstance that has been approved by NDIA.

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